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The recent election kind of restored my faith in the people of York County, James City County and Williamsburg. The extremists lost ground and their one signature win was Stonehouse district. A wild eyed Republican beat a moderate Republican who really did not want to run. I wonder if Ruth Larson was giddy with excitement as one very nasty Tea Party contributor to your paper described her when she supported a tax proposal.

One half of a million dollars from the outside was spent trying to buy delegate Monty Mason’s seat. Result: The money bought a 10-point loss. All kinds of developers’ money was spent to replace one Republican with another. Even with developer money, Jones is gone. Where did the Tea Party go wrong?

In the end those yellow flag folks were even adopting the Republican national excuse: The media is unfair. I saw those sorry signs: Annoy the Gazette! Whine, whine, whine.

I was really amazed when I read the endorsements before the election. The Gazette has become more and more conservative in editorial leanings and selection of letters to the editor. Now if only Mr. Hipple would cut his Tea-Party ties and really get on with doing things for all of county.

D.A. Willard

James City County